Tuesday, September 22, 2009

hehehe hahaha

This guy is fun (cross your fingers and hope this works).


Saturday, September 19, 2009

spreading mulch

I'm not realy spreading mulch, but look.

That's right, I now have the paradox green funkey, Mulch (five P.G. funkeys to go). that's all.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

progress report

After two and a half days at MMC's house, we have gotten much clean and done much. Almost time to head to D.C. while MMC and her husband tries to solve for y... good bye.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Claeaning and D.C.

late Tuesday morning, I am going to Apex with my mom to clean Madam of the Chocolate Cake's house and spend the week. On Saturday, we are going with Madam, her husband and maybe Ponyta to Washington D.C. and take part in the tea party thing. there might be pictures, there might not, but for now... BARN WORK!!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Not Happy

Why am I not happy? I have to go to the dentist. Sure, everyone has to go eventually but I have a kind of irrational fear of the dentist, even thoe I go to Church with our current dentist. I am leaving soon so wish me luck. Good bye.

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