Thursday, October 29, 2009

deutscher Spass, German fun

Guter Tag und begrüßt meinen blog. Warum ich sind, auf Deutsch zum Spass dahineilend. Translation, Good day and welcome to my blog. Why am I posting in German? For the fun of it. Als sehend, wie ich ein Viertel-Deutscher und ein Viertel-Österreicher bin, war das ein Erbe-Ding. Seeing as how I am one quarter German and one quarter Austrian, this was a heritage thing. Es ist alles für jetzt auf Wiedersehen auf Wiedersehen. That's all for now, bye.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Me, Myself, and I

By reader request I shall gripe about bad grammar some more. Today's topic is me, myself, and I, literally. The other day, me and ponyta went to the barn, WRONG. It may sound nice but it is WRONG. The right way to say it is Ponyta and I went to the barn. That's all I can think of at the moment, but give me what bothers you below in your comments.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Rastro turf

I have a new funkey named Rastro, see.

Well I have a Pulitzer to go collect, bye.

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