Thursday, March 25, 2010

Lobster turns 20

Happy Birthday Hooey Girl!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Has it ever occurred to you that the Easter Bunny is a bit of a creeper? I mean, he knows exactly what you want, sneaks into your house at night without setting off the alarm, and steals your eggs and then hides them in your living room. If you have any ideas about how he does the first two things, let me know below. Happy Almost-Easter!

Friday, March 19, 2010


Facebook is being stupid. I don't use my facebook that much but I still look at the flair and play with the hatchings sometimes. But today I try to get on and Facebook says my account is disabled and that I might not be who I say I am. So after I try to get on with variations of my password, I go ahead and click on the "forgot your password" thing. I type the letters in the box and put my email in the other box, it puts a diferent set of letters in the big box and I do that two or three times and give up. Here I am now, ranting and trying to not use more "colorful" language (trust me, I will if angry enough). I guess I'll stop waisting your time with my problems. Post ya later.

Sunday, March 14, 2010


We all know about the ACC tournament. Well the UNC Tar Heels got in, and promptly lost. And now, Duke keeps winning their games. I've also just been told that NC State lost yesterday (we like state). But I digress, I hope all of you out in the world are enjoying the madness this March. Bye.

Monday, March 1, 2010

John Williams is the man.

Found this on Youtube.

Wooookiee. Wooookiee.

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