Thursday, January 27, 2011

Last Day

I have now started a new blog, so no more new posts on this one (actually not much different). I can't really think of a better way to bid you farewell than with a little song

Tried to find a better video but this was the best quality.

Sunday, January 2, 2011


Can I kill facebook yet? I would rant there but to them, I don't exist any more. That's right, for the second time my facebook has been disabled, and this time I had more than 4 friends. Third time's the charm I hope, for their sakes.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Nom Nom Nom Nom

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The cake is a lie

I have just started playing Portal recently and it just got to the part where it was too creepy for me to continue. Apirature Science is trying to kill people in the name of cake and your only hope is to port out of the incinerator in time. After that you go from the clean, white waled test rooms to the creepy, rusty, in some cases bloody walls and terrible to no lighting. After the part where GLaDOS, the atifical intelligence that promises you the cake, says that if you don't turn around and go back to your cell, she will have to kill you, it was too much. I hit save, x-box dashboard, console off and then played Star Wars: The Force Unleashed. Just felt like sharing that.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

More Griping

Today's Grammar Gripe is people on tv, radio and other media outlets. I find it annoying when you are watching the news and the person that is hired to talk screws up his/her grammar. So if you are ever asked to talk on the news, radio or other media outlets, remember that I am watching...

Sorry about the lack of a good example, I couldn't think of a good one.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Europe, Day Nine

Okay, I have not posted for the last few days because our internet has been having issues. Also this entry was written the day after the day mentioned, so details, again, are a bit skewed.

Yesterday we woke up, got the luggage out, ate, exc. and got on the bus, destination, Pelesh. On the way I tried to pay attention to what the tour guide was saying but 1: it was yesterday and 2: my mind wandered a bit. The first stop in Pelesh was a monastery with two churches, an old one and a new one. The old one was smaller and not used as much and the new one was bigger, shineyer and more used. After looking at the monastery for a little bit we went up the hill to one of the fanciest palaces you will ever see. The inside was very impressive, intricate woodwork, detailed paintings and fancy sculptures. The part of the castle that we saw was only the main living areas like the library, the study and the music room. The most interesting room for me was the armory. After finishing in Pelesh, we left for Brasov. When we got there we rested for a bit and then went to see the main pedestrian area, came back to the hotel and met with the rest of the group for the midevil dinner. The restaurant was close, so a short drive. The food was good, the desert was my favorite, and the show was enjoyable. After the festivity were over we drove back to the hotel and went to bed.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Europe, Day Eight

Today we had a tour of Bucharest, not Budapest, Romania.we started at the hotel and went to the revolution square, the front of the People's Palace (we'll come back to that later), nd then went to a small square in front of the military academy about the Romanian revolution against the Turks. Then we drove down Union Blvd. and saw its many fountains and their motifs. After a short drive we stopped at an open air house museum thing where houses were brought from all over the country and put in a village setting. After we saw that we went to lunch and then back to the people's palace and went inside for a tour. We saw a bit in there but the tour guide said that we only saw 5% of it. Fun fact: the People's Palace is the second largest building in the world next to the Pentagon. After the palace we went to the hotel to rest and then went to the folklore dinner. Dinner was a mixed plate apatizer, a chicken dish and chocolate cake, and the show was traditional dancing and music played by Zamphere, the pan flute master and the band. After dinner we went to the hotell and went to bed.

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