Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Europe, Day Eight

Today we had a tour of Bucharest, not Budapest, Romania.we started at the hotel and went to the revolution square, the front of the People's Palace (we'll come back to that later), nd then went to a small square in front of the military academy about the Romanian revolution against the Turks. Then we drove down Union Blvd. and saw its many fountains and their motifs. After a short drive we stopped at an open air house museum thing where houses were brought from all over the country and put in a village setting. After we saw that we went to lunch and then back to the people's palace and went inside for a tour. We saw a bit in there but the tour guide said that we only saw 5% of it. Fun fact: the People's Palace is the second largest building in the world next to the Pentagon. After the palace we went to the hotel to rest and then went to the folklore dinner. Dinner was a mixed plate apatizer, a chicken dish and chocolate cake, and the show was traditional dancing and music played by Zamphere, the pan flute master and the band. After dinner we went to the hotell and went to bed.


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