Friday, August 6, 2010

Europe, Day Two

The day started with waking up and getting ready for the day and eating a breakfast of bread meat and cheese, you know, a traditional European breakfast. After breakfast, we went to the room to brush teeth and get stuff we would need and put it in a back pack. Now is when the fun starts. We get on the bus and went on the city tour. There were a few familiar places like the Hero Square, the Chain Bridge and the Terror Museum. After the tour, we stopped for a lunch of pizza in the pedestrian area. After lunch, we got back on the bus to a place outside of Budapest called Saint Andrew's and Looked around for a bit and then we went into a pottery museum and then went into a small restaurant with the rest of the group for a snack sort of deal, then looked around some more and then got back on the bus and went back to the hotel. After we rested for a bit, we got on the bus and went to a "folklore" dinner, and by folklore they mean there is traditional dance and music. The food, Like most European food was good. The appetizer was goulash soup, the main course was pork chicken and mixed vegetables but I forget the dessert, if we had any. After dinner we got back on the bus and went back to the hotel and then went to bed.


vw bug said...

What was your favorite place to visit while in Budapest? I lived in Germany for 6 months but never made it to Hungary. Which places do you recommend to go see if I ever make it there?

The Dude said...

Well, there is a restaurant on the pest side of the Chain Bridge just around the corner from the Carlton Hotel, and the art museum also on the pest side in the same area. there is also a market on the pest side that is in what looks like an old train station, and then the main pedestrian area close to that. Everything is within walking distance to each other.

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