Monday, August 16, 2010

Europe, Day Four

Good evining and welcome to Sophia, Bulgaria. There was a good bit of bus time today, so I read some more. the breakfast at the hotel was okay, more choice than the breakfast in Budapest. No important stops on the way other than stopping at gas stations for bathroom breaks, snacks and the one case of getting lunch ( Serbian goulash soup uses mustard in stead of paprika). The time zones changed when we crossed the border from a 6 hour difference to a 7 hour difference. We got to the hotel about 5:00, 17:00 their time. While we waited on our bags we watched tv. Later we went to the resturant in the hotel for dinner with the rest of the group. Dinner was of a salad, fish (I liked the fish and i don't normally like fish), and a custard pie of some sort.After dinner we went up to the room got ready for bed and went to sleep.


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