Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Europe, Day Five

Sophia, Bulgaria day two. Today was fairly interesting. we started the day with a walking tour of the city. We saw some roman ruins and a few churches, and the whole time we were followed by a stray dog. after the tour we went to the hotel for a bathroom break and then got on the bus and headed to the Rila Monetary. the monestary was very interesting, there was a museum, we saw a monk's cell and the church the monk's cell was bigger than you would think with a living area, a bedroom. During freetime, we got lunch and some souvenirs and looked around. After the field trip was over we got on the bus and headed for base camp. when we got back we rested a bit then headed out to a flea, flee, however you spell it, market and then went to a church we visited earlier and - (static) We interrupt this program to bring you, Courage the Cowardly Dog Show. Starring Coura- (static) Sorry, wrong tape. (static) We interrupt your regular broadcast for our special program, the Orthodox Church. Before the service, the pastor and two alter boys come out with a scepter, a relic, and a cloak. Then the bishop came in and took the scepter and put on the cloak and then they preceded down the isle. The bishop then goes to his throne but stands in front of it (weird, I know). Then the pastor goes behind the iconostasis and returns with one of those inscents shaky things, like the pope uses, and shakes it 3 times at different things. At this point the choir is singing and then the pastor starts chanting a prayer and went like that until we left. We now we return you to your regular programming. (static) After we left we wet to the hotel and got ready for the folklore dinner. After dinner, which was quite interesting, we went to the hotel and went to bed.


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