Thursday, August 12, 2010

Europe, Day Three

Sorry it took so long to post this one, I was busy. Now for the post.

We woke up at around 6:30 in the morning and got the bags out and went to breakfast. At about 8:00we got on the bus and headed for Serbia.For the first part of the bus ride I read my book, but I started to feel bus sick and so I stopped reading and then fell asleep. After spending a while on the bus we arrived in a place called Novi Sad and looked around for a bit. After getting some lunch we got back on the bus and went to the hotel in Belgrade. After getting checked in and resting for a bit, we went to dinner. My dad got a mixed grilled meat platter and Ponyta and I got some sort of sausage patties that were bigger than your face. After dinner we went to the hotel and got ready for bed.


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