Tuesday, April 13, 2010

See Ya

I'm off! To where? A boat. Again, to where? The Caribbean.

Thank you Bob and Joe for that revealing dialog, and yes folks, I am leaving tomorrow. A two week Caribbean cruse with four at sea days. But before we get on the boat near the end of the week, we shall meet one of my mom's blogger buddies, Pamibe. Sure it could be a 13 year old girl like my sisters say, but I can guarantee you that she is not. Now back to the main topic. Ports of call are: Panama, Columbia(no, not in South Carolina), Grand Cayman, and Haiti. Getting to the shove off point requires an 11 and a half hour drive from my little corner of the blogosphere. I'm sure that I'll have fun without you, my loyal readers, but I will still miss you (sort of). Until next time, see ya.


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