Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Europe, Day Eight

Today we had a tour of Bucharest, not Budapest, Romania.we started at the hotel and went to the revolution square, the front of the People's Palace (we'll come back to that later), nd then went to a small square in front of the military academy about the Romanian revolution against the Turks. Then we drove down Union Blvd. and saw its many fountains and their motifs. After a short drive we stopped at an open air house museum thing where houses were brought from all over the country and put in a village setting. After we saw that we went to lunch and then back to the people's palace and went inside for a tour. We saw a bit in there but the tour guide said that we only saw 5% of it. Fun fact: the People's Palace is the second largest building in the world next to the Pentagon. After the palace we went to the hotel to rest and then went to the folklore dinner. Dinner was a mixed plate apatizer, a chicken dish and chocolate cake, and the show was traditional dancing and music played by Zamphere, the pan flute master and the band. After dinner we went to the hotell and went to bed.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Europe, Day Seven

Because I didn't post yesterday I have to do two posts today, but it's not all that bad, because I am now posting from my new(ish) laptop. Now for the post.

Today we did more driving, I read for most of it so I can't give many roadside details.
We stopped in a tow called Russe. A story that was funnier at the tame happened here, but it's not enough to post. we looked around, got lunch at the Happy Bar and Grill, and then got back on the bus and drove across the border to Romania and got to the hotel. Also at one point we went to a small church with some cool frescoes but I don't remember the exact placing in the timeline.

Europe, Day Six

Okay, the day I wrote this entry was actually written the day after, so details are a bit laking.

Not much happened yesterday that i can really remember. We drove for a while and saw an oldish city that was quite interesting. There was a roman arena and theater, a lady making pottery and plenty of stray cats. Then we drove some more and then arrived in the town where we would be staying and saw a fortress that was visible from our hotel room and then went to the hotel and got rested. At about 9:30, the fortress started lighting up in all sorts of colors. after injoying the show, we chilled and went to bed, after finishing the entry that I posted last.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Europe, Day Five

Sophia, Bulgaria day two. Today was fairly interesting. we started the day with a walking tour of the city. We saw some roman ruins and a few churches, and the whole time we were followed by a stray dog. after the tour we went to the hotel for a bathroom break and then got on the bus and headed to the Rila Monetary. the monestary was very interesting, there was a museum, we saw a monk's cell and the church the monk's cell was bigger than you would think with a living area, a bedroom. During freetime, we got lunch and some souvenirs and looked around. After the field trip was over we got on the bus and headed for base camp. when we got back we rested a bit then headed out to a flea, flee, however you spell it, market and then went to a church we visited earlier and - (static) We interrupt this program to bring you, Courage the Cowardly Dog Show. Starring Coura- (static) Sorry, wrong tape. (static) We interrupt your regular broadcast for our special program, the Orthodox Church. Before the service, the pastor and two alter boys come out with a scepter, a relic, and a cloak. Then the bishop came in and took the scepter and put on the cloak and then they preceded down the isle. The bishop then goes to his throne but stands in front of it (weird, I know). Then the pastor goes behind the iconostasis and returns with one of those inscents shaky things, like the pope uses, and shakes it 3 times at different things. At this point the choir is singing and then the pastor starts chanting a prayer and went like that until we left. We now we return you to your regular programming. (static) After we left we wet to the hotel and got ready for the folklore dinner. After dinner, which was quite interesting, we went to the hotel and went to bed.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Europe, Day Four

Good evining and welcome to Sophia, Bulgaria. There was a good bit of bus time today, so I read some more. the breakfast at the hotel was okay, more choice than the breakfast in Budapest. No important stops on the way other than stopping at gas stations for bathroom breaks, snacks and the one case of getting lunch ( Serbian goulash soup uses mustard in stead of paprika). The time zones changed when we crossed the border from a 6 hour difference to a 7 hour difference. We got to the hotel about 5:00, 17:00 their time. While we waited on our bags we watched tv. Later we went to the resturant in the hotel for dinner with the rest of the group. Dinner was of a salad, fish (I liked the fish and i don't normally like fish), and a custard pie of some sort.After dinner we went up to the room got ready for bed and went to sleep.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Europe, Day Three

Sorry it took so long to post this one, I was busy. Now for the post.

We woke up at around 6:30 in the morning and got the bags out and went to breakfast. At about 8:00we got on the bus and headed for Serbia.For the first part of the bus ride I read my book, but I started to feel bus sick and so I stopped reading and then fell asleep. After spending a while on the bus we arrived in a place called Novi Sad and looked around for a bit. After getting some lunch we got back on the bus and went to the hotel in Belgrade. After getting checked in and resting for a bit, we went to dinner. My dad got a mixed grilled meat platter and Ponyta and I got some sort of sausage patties that were bigger than your face. After dinner we went to the hotel and got ready for bed.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Europe, Day Two

The day started with waking up and getting ready for the day and eating a breakfast of bread meat and cheese, you know, a traditional European breakfast. After breakfast, we went to the room to brush teeth and get stuff we would need and put it in a back pack. Now is when the fun starts. We get on the bus and went on the city tour. There were a few familiar places like the Hero Square, the Chain Bridge and the Terror Museum. After the tour, we stopped for a lunch of pizza in the pedestrian area. After lunch, we got back on the bus to a place outside of Budapest called Saint Andrew's and Looked around for a bit and then we went into a pottery museum and then went into a small restaurant with the rest of the group for a snack sort of deal, then looked around some more and then got back on the bus and went back to the hotel. After we rested for a bit, we got on the bus and went to a "folklore" dinner, and by folklore they mean there is traditional dance and music. The food, Like most European food was good. The appetizer was goulash soup, the main course was pork chicken and mixed vegetables but I forget the dessert, if we had any. After dinner we got back on the bus and went back to the hotel and then went to bed.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Europe, Day one

We made it. A close connection in D.C., a 7 hour flight to Frankfurt, Germany, and the hour and a half nap from Frankfurt to Budapest, Hungary have worn me out. We got off the plane, got our luggage and got on the bus from the airport to the hotel (this bus is not the same as the one from the rest of the trip). We got to the hotel and checked in, dropped our bags off in the room and went to lunch at a restaurant that my dad and I had visited in our last trip to Europe, and the food was as good as ever, Granted it was on the other side of the Danube and down a few bridges. After lunch we walked to the store across from our hotel to get some bread and cheese to have for dinner later. after resting in the room and recovering from the flight, we headed down to the lobby and went to the orientation and meet everyone thing and after that, went up to the room and watched Hungarian tv.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Starting a recount

As you know, I was in Europe with my dad and Ponyta for the last two weeks, and now it's time to tell you about it. Starting tomorrow, I will write my journal entries from Hungary, Serbia, Bulgaria, Romania, and Hungary again as I wrote them the first time plus details that I missed before. See you tomorrow and comments are appreciated.

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